March 12, 2008
For Immediate Release
Melissa Wilson 406 888-7895
Mary Riddle 406 888-7898
Public Scoping Comments Sought for Logan Pass Projects Projects would include construction of a new restroom, an improved shuttle stop, and a renewable power generation system.
WEST GLACIER, MONT. – Officials at Glacier National Park seek comments to help in the preparation of an environmental assessment (EA) for the Logan Pass area. The EA will evaluate the impacts associated with construction of a new restroom, an improved shuttle stop, and a renewable power generation system. Comments are due by April 14, 2008.
As one of the more popular destinations in Glacier National Park, Logan Pass (elevation 6,646 ft.) offers visitors hiking opportunities, spectacular views, wildlife viewing opportunities, a visitor center, and an experience that will last a lifetime. The 2003 Going-to-the-Sun Road Rehabilitation Plan/FEIS (FEIS) called for new vault toilets to address accessibility and capacity issues and a shuttle stop to be provided within the already disturbed area at Logan Pass. However, after the first year of operation of the shuttle system, use exceeded expectations causing congestion and confusion in front of the Visitor Center. The increased number of trips each day to pump the toilets led the park to consider installing larger capacity toilets and a new shuttle stop. These changes would result in new disturbance to the Logan Pass area that was not anticipated and therefore not analyzed in the 2003 FEIS. Electrical needs associated with the addition of the shuttle system, a new radio system, and security also need to be addressed as the current system is inadequate to support these additions.
Five action alternatives have been identified, thus far, by National Park Service staff. The new restroom would be a waterless operation, powered by renewable energy sources and accessible. The new shuttle stop would be built in the vicinity of the visitor center, and would be accessible. The current level of parking/loading spaces would be retained. Renewable energy sources being considered include: wind, fuel cell, micro-hydro, solar, and conventional generators.
Scoping is an early and open process which occurs prior to the development of an EA. Scoping comments are used to identify issues and alternatives that should be addressed in the EA. Once the EA has been written, the public will be provided the opportunity to comment on the document.
Comments can be provided directly through the park’s planning Web site: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/parkHome.cfm?parkId=61 by selecting this project. Or write to: Superintendent, Glacier National Park, Attn: Logan Pass EA, West Glacier, Montana 59936. Comments are due by April 14, 2008.
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