The Park is nearly vacant this time of year. I think in one entire day I saw three vehicles come and go and NO one got out, so I had the whole place to myself. . . A word of caution, Glacier Park is a tough place in the winter, you should be very careful and plan accordingly if you visit during the winter.
BIGHORN SHEEP (see more photos on my website -
Below is a photo of two bighorn sheep just as they are about to clash heads in their ultimate battle for dominance and breading rights. The two rams face each other then rise up on their hind legs, lurch toward their opponent until their horns crash together. The sound of the two sets of horns smacking together is incredibly loud. The sound echos and bounces down the canon walls and can be heard for many miles. On a still day, (no wind) the sound of two rams crashing horns can be heard throughout the day and often while the sounds can appear close, they are not. In fact often they are so far away that you cant find the two warriors in the rocks. They blend in so well with their high mountain terrain that finding them requires patience, and a good set of binoculars, and sometimes a little luck.


On another note, I'd like to bring to your attention a magazine written and published by Chris Peterson of Hungry Horse. The title is "Glacier Park Magazine," it is published four times per year. It's just gone thought it's first year and what a great magazine it is. Chris does both the writing and the photography and he's a great photographer, period end of story!
I can vouch for his images and stories they are real and true to life. I recommend that if you're a Glacier Park person and you'd like to keep up with the Park or learn more about it in the "off-season" you should buy yourself a subscription, it is worth EVERY penny -- BTW it makes a great Christmas Gift too! You can view his magazine here:
Tony Bynum
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