Glacier Park Photographer

Glacier Park Photographer
Fall In Glacier National Park ©

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dave Walburn, Glacier National Park, Listen to Your Inner Voice

I want to share a story and a music video slide show from a friend of mine who lives here in Montana. He's an inspirational man gifted as as singer-song-writer, a craftsman, and in three words, a good human.

This a blog about glacier national park and photography. While this post is not specifically about glacier national park photography, the essay written by Dave Walburn has some great Glacier Country, Crown of the Continent images. But more importantly, his essay is about life. My photography is my life and Dave's songs and this essay resonates with me, so I thought it was fitting.

Some people are good with words and singing, like Dave Walburn. Some people are good with a camera, some people are good with writing, painting or power tools, but no matter what your tools of the trade are, you should follow your passion and listen to your inner voice; do what's right in your own world and don't let anyhow convince you otherwise. If it's right for you, go for it!

I want to thank Dave for letting post this to my blog.  I also want to suggest that if you like his work you give him a shout out, friend him on facebook, follow him on youtube, or just revel in the fun and thoughtfulness of his words and songs . . .  Thank you Dave!

Drywall, and Inner Voice

My dad always said, “If I knew the details of what was in store when I embarked on the journey, I would have probably never started the journey to begin with.  But then again, I wouldn’t have arrived at my destination.”  Sometimes ignorance is bliss!
I think most folks who have built a house or started a business would concur with this sentiment. If you want to change your life, make something of value and contribute, you have to start somewhere or nothing ever gets done. Life is short!  Have you read Seth Godin’s new book- Poke The Box ?  Here’s what he said;
“Poke the Box is about the spark that brings things to life. We need to be nudged away from conformity and toward ingenuity, toward answering unknown questions for ourselves. Even if we fail, as I have done many times in my life, we learn what not to do by experience and doing the new.
This isn’t the same thing as taking a risk. In fact, the riskiest thing we can do right now is nothing.”
My good friend and general contractor, Tom Nixon, who has been helping me at different stages of this project, warned me as a friend, of the pitfalls and difficulties of building a house by myself.
He suggested I rethink the dream.
We were at hunting camp when he uttered the warning and I remember staying up half the night drenched in a wave of panic, wondering if building a house was the right thing to do. I came to the conclusion that indeed it was.  You have to trust your inner voice regardless of other peoples opinions and doubts. The voice kept saying, “build it and they will come, build it and they will come.”
I have always felt that the inner voice is God way of talking to you and if you listen, He will lead. It is when we don’t listen that we lose our way. Mostly prompted by fear, we tend to talk ourselves out of what we know is right.
So what does all this  have to do with drywall?
Mostly it comes from my need to share my experience and celebrate. That’s the beauty of social media.  It’s a chance to share stories and experiences.   If you could have seen two middle aged men hauling 50 pound bags of plaster mix, six at a time, in  sleds up a 100 yard snow drift this weekend, you would understand my need to rejoice in the fact that I am nearing the end of a very long journey. Now that the drywall is complete in the basement, the building is near an end and we can all start to enjoy this magnificent place and all it has to offer. Of course, there will always be something to do, but it feels manageable now. “Rejoice, I see the light, rejoice.”
So with all this in mind, please enjoy this little slide show I have put together! A celebration of a wonderful winter hanging out at the Stonehouse and working on the basement and ripping lips on some might big rainbow trout. Again, thanks to all my friends and family who have helped me on this project. The door is always open!

Side Note:  The song to this slideshow is one I wrote  in 1988 on my way to Alaska to homestead with my best friends.  Trading Time For Money – it is on my Cabin Song CD – which you can find on my website .
Its all about listening to the inner voice and going for it, win or lose. See you soon!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I admire those who follow their hearts in their work, lives, and dreams. Thank you for posting this inspirational story!